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Version: 3.3

Configuration Files

Most Agent properties are set automatically and do not require maintenance or modification. In some cases, the default settings must be changed for various environment-specific reasons or corporate protocols. This section is a reference for making such changes, if required.

Main Application Configuration

These properties are found in: <shared_data_path>\conf\

sharedDataPathPopulated during installation. Do not modify.Determined at Installation
installPathPopulated during installation. Do not modify.Determined at Installation property can be added to enhance Agent-specific logging for debug purposes, for example, set to DEBUG.INFO
agent.auth-serverActian ID Service URL. Set for DataCloud and Avalanche production environments. Note: You must update this property for Private Cloud/Kubernetes hosted environments.
agent.control-serverIntegration Manager API URL. Set for DataCloud and Avalanche production environments. Note: You must update this property for Private Cloud/Kubernetes hosted environments.
agent.identity-providerPopulated automatically. Do not modify.
agent.refresh-tokenPopulated automatically. Do not modify.
worker.api.portPopulated during installation. Port used for Agent to Worker communication. If changed, you must also change server.port in shared_data_path\conf\ to match.6000
worker.concurrencyNumber of DataConnect engines allowed to run in parallel. Make sure the appropriate licensing is in place before changing this value to avoid compliance issues.1
worker.destinationIdPopulated automatically. Do not modify.
worker.embeddedPopulated automatically. Do not modify.false
worker.engineJavaHomePopulated during installation. Controls the JVM used when launching DataConnect. JDK 11 or higher is required.${sharedDataPath}/di- standalone-engine/jre
worker.libraryPathPopulated during installation. Do not modify.${installPath}/lib
worker.workerLocalDirPopulated during installation. Controls where temporary job information is stored, for example, integration artifacts, logfiles.${sharedDataPath}/local
engine.licensePathPopulated automatically. Do not modify.${sharedDataPath}/license/cosmos.slc
engine.iniFilePathPopulated automatically. Do not modify.${sharedDataPath}/conf/cosmos.ini
engine.localEngineInstallPathPopulated during installation. Controls the location of the DataConnect Engine.${sharedDataPath}/di- standalone-engine/runtime/di9
engine.localEngineListenerPortPopulated during installation. Port used for Worker-to-DataConnect Engine communication.5999

These properties are found in: <shared_data_path>\conf\

server.portPopulated during installation. Port used for Agent-to-Worker communication. If changed, you must also change worker.api.port in <shared_data_path>\conf\ to match.6000

These properties are found in: <shared_data_path>\conf\

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
sharedDataPathPopulated during installation. Do not modify.Determined at installation
server.portPopulated during installation. Port used for Agent application container.6001

Windows Service Wrapper (Windows Installations Only)


This file contains many properties. Any that are not listed here, DO NOT MODIFY!

These properties are found in: <shared_data_path>\conf\AgentWrapper.conf

set.PATHPopulated during installation. You may add additional environment variables here if required, but you must keep the existing values intact.%shared_data_path/jre/bin;% shared_data_path/di-standalone-engine/runtime/di9/;%PATH% application-specific logging level.INFO
wrapper.logfilePopulated during installation. Controls the location of the Agent log file. Changing this value will disable the ability to retrieve the log from Integration Manager.%shared_data_path/logs/Agent.log
wrapper.logfile.loglevelControls GLOBAL Agent logging level.
Note: We recommend that you do not modify this property. It is better to use in instead.
wrapper.logfile.maxsizeMaximum size that the Agent log file is allowed to reach before the log is rolled. For kilobytes, append k to the value. For megabytes, append m to the value.2m
wrapper.logfile.maxfilesMaximum number of rolled log files allowed before old files are deleted.5
wrapper.syslog.loglevelForward log events to Windows Sys/Event Log.
Note: We recommend that you do not modify this property.